ENTER Art Fair, Copenhagen

Lokomotivværkstedet Otto Busses Vej 5A 2450 Copenhagen SV Denmark, 24 - 27 August 2023 

Our selection includes a mix of established and emerging talents and offers a diverse and dynamic showcase of contemporary art.


The first artist we would like to introduce is MIWA OGASAWARA (b. 1973, Kyoto, Japan), a Japanese-German artist with a strong presence in the international art scene. She is represented in many important collections (including Centre Pompidou, Paris) and currently has a solo exhibition at the Yu-Hsiu Museum of Art, Taiwan.


Her works, in classical technique oil on canvas, are depictions of the depth of human existence. At the centre of her oeuvre is the human being on the border between this world and the hereafter. Miwa is influenced by her Japanese origins and traditions as well as by European masters such as Vilhelm Hammershoi, which is perhaps one of the reasons for her popularity with Danish collectors. The works depict vague, dreamlike scenes that succeed in capturing nuanced emotions and elusive atmospheres. They convey the “in-between” rather than a specific story. Indeterminate places, lights, and shadows are depicted in a reduced colour palette that creates a strong emotional depth and shows the complexity of the human condition without being too explicit.


Next we show HANNAH BOHNEN (*1989, Duisburg, Germany), a young German sculptor whose work traces the hidden gestures of human existence, the trivial, forgotten movements. Scribbles while talking on the phone, or the folds of carelessly discarded paper waste are sources of inspiration for Hannah’s works, which she transforms into different media. She creates abstract works with a dynamic, performative character. Her work emphasizes the relationships between movement and physicality. Fleeting moments and tensions are translated into a strong material language. We present a selection of wooden panels with lacquer paint at the stand, as well as glass objects from the new series “Terror Lines”.


Finally, we present CHENXI ZHONG (*1993, Chengdu, China) a Chinese sculptor who is influenced by language and interpersonal communication in her works. Her poetic works captivate with their precision craftsmanship and depth of content. German fairy tales and European culture are broken, dissolved and reassembled through her Chinese filters. The resulting effect is a new look at the old familiar. Chenxi opens up new perspectives for us in her work and dusts off European pigeonholes. In Copenhagen, we would like to show parts of the „Schlaraffenland“ (Land of Cockaigne) series as well as „Flaschenpost“ (Message in a Bottle).


All three artists are united by the fact that the human being and his communicative gestures are at the centre, as well as the absolute quality of craftsmanship. The positions complement and reinforce each other and yet remain so considerate of each other that they all appear to be of equal value. The range of materials at our stand extends from oil on canvas to paper to glass, offering visitors a varied experience.