Philipp Zrenner at SPOILER.ZONE

Philipp Zrenner’s work „Turbo“ will exhibited as part of the groupshow „Airbag“ @spoiler_zone in Berlin on Friday, June 19th. The space will open their doors for a last show before their final closing. 

19. – 21. 7.2024
Quitzowstr. 108
10551 Berlin

TURBO - Every movement begins in public. Space is taken, reoccupied, mobilization is underway. It is clear that it begins on the street, and that there are hurdles there, too, that need to be overcome. (…) The movement runs an immediate danger of being detoured or stopped. It has to constantly consider strategies to avoid either being made part of the general flow or rendered immobile. (…) today, a street sign which are held by the bases that Zrenner uses in his work - that innocently reads „no parking“ in front of construction sites in European cities often means that here redevelopment, gentrification, displacement is taking place. The space itself becomes suddenly mobile, but especially against the poorer among us, who should just move to the outskirts of the city. The free real estate market makes us immobile.
(…)Zrenner’s decomposition and re-composition of the bases - can perhaps be understood as a countermeasure, as a detouring mobilization of the immobile objects that always flank processes of gentrification. While the heavy bases once served exclusively the purpose of fixing the signs in place and preventing their movement, this function in Zrenner’s sculpture is not only suspended, but reversed.Turbo perhaps warns us that kinetic spaces also need to be released in public space to counteract its continuous immobilization. Obstacles can be rendered harmless. They merely need to be set in motion.“

Text: Anna Zrenner 

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