Digital and immersive art biennale 2025年2月5日 我们很高兴今年(再次)成为 @vrhamfestival! 的官方合作伙伴! VRHAM! 以全新概念强势回归:每两年都会聚焦数字与沉浸式艺术的不同领域。本届活动呈现了一场沉浸式展览,在其中绘画、雕塑、摄影和灯光艺术与数字科技创新融合。互动式的议程包括演讲、讨论会以及隆重的开幕式,诚邀各位前来交流联结、汲取灵感,并探索独特的艺术视角。 2025 年 6 月 11 日 – 18 日 Hamburger Oberhafenquartier 最新资讯敬请关注:www.vrham.de 欢迎提前将这些日期标注在日程中! 特别鸣谢 @bkm_hh(汉堡文化与媒体管理局)、@moinfilmfoerderung(MOIN... 继续 -
Interview with Hannah Bohnen
SPARK Art Fair Vienna 2024 继续 -
Linus Rauch
News Article We are delighted about the article by Barbara Brubacher in the Süddeutsche Zeitung about the fantastic project that Linus 2023... 继续 -
Walk&Talk Gallery Tour on November 22 and 23
Discover Hamburg’s art scene through expertly guided tours of our galleries 2024年10月11日 We’re participating in the Walk&Talk Gallery Tour, happening on Friday, November 22, and Saturday, November 23! During these two exciting... 继续
LINUS RAUCH 2024年9月18日 We are delighted with Linus Rauch's participation in the FATMAH group show in Rome. Opening September 18th, 6-9pm On view... 继续 -
Chenxi Zhong We are delighted about Chenxi Zhong's exhibition at the Westwendischer Kunstverein. Opening: Friday, 6 September 8 pm Speaker: Marija Petrovic,... 继续 -
Akane Kimbara We are delighted about Akane Kimbara's participation in the Doppelpass group show. Among other things, Akane will be showing a... 继续 -
Apart of, a part of
Linus Rauch Home Work APART OF, A PART OF You are cordially invited to APART OF, A PART OF - the latest iteration of... 继续
Philipp Zrenner at SPOILER.ZONE
Philipp Zrenner’s work „Turbo“ will exhibited as part of the groupshow „Airbag“ @spoiler_zone in Berlin on Friday, June 19th. The... 继续 -
Künstler im Wendland planen Großes
Chenxi Zhong and Camillo Ritter Monopol 杂志刊登了一篇题为 '从锯木厂到工业纪念碑 '的好文章。 Künstler im Wendland planen Großes',介绍了 Chenxi 和 Camillo 在温特兰创建当代艺术场所的伟大计划。 继续