1995 born in Munich, Germany

lives and works in Munich, Germany







2017 - 2024 Studying at Academy of Fine Arts Munich / Diploma 2024

2017 - 2020, Class of Prof. Olaf Metzel / 2020 - 2024, Class of Prof. Gerry Bibby

2016 Pre-Diploma at HGB Leipzig (Prof. Peggy Buth)

2015 Studying at HGB Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig (Prof. Christin Lahr)






Rotary Price (Presentation April)

2022 Solarship Junge Kunst Kunst neue Wege 

Danner-Stiftung Award 

Lfa Förderbank Solarship „NEXT GENERATION“

2019 Residency at Förderverein Aktuelle Kunst Münster








2024 how was your day (graduation exhibition / Academy of finearts Munich)

2023 the sweet air of the evil mind (groupexhibition / Berlin, Germany)

Le petit paradis openhouse (groupexhibition / VogelArt /Munich, Germany)

cavernous shell (groupexhibition / Tom Reichstein Contemporary / Hamburg, Germany)

2022 A5 (groupexhibition / AS-EM / Leipzig, Germany)

BYE BYE BOERNCHEN (groupexhibition / Pittlerwerke / Leipzig, Germany)

Elb Hängung w/ Tom reichstein Contemporary (groupexhibition / Hamburg, Germany)

RUN (annual exhibition of class Gerry Bibby / Academy of fine Arts Munich)

Jahresgaben (groupexhibition / Kunstverein Augsburg / Augsburg, Germany)

2021 SPA (/w Tabata von der Locht / Kunstverein Augsburg / Augsburg, Germany)

Stand der Dinge (groupexhibition / Bistro21 / Leipzig, Germany)

Nackt im Baumarkt (groupexhibition / Tom Reichstein Contemporary /Hamburg, Germany)

Galeriefest Kassel (groupexhibition / Schlosspark Kassel, Germany)

No part of this (groupexhibition / Amsterdam, josilda de conceicao Gallery, Netherlands)

5 Years VogelArt (groupexhibition / VogelArt / Munich, Germany)

2020 #11 (groupexhibition, ille Gallery / Munich, Germany)

curated colors VogelArt (groupexhibition / VogelArt / Munich, Germany)

La Fang De Macadam (groupexhibition / Agip Munich, Germay)

stamina x integrity (group exhibiton /multiple spaces, Munich)

MAL MAL (soloexhibition / T165 Munich, Germany)

2019 Vino Magico (groupexhibition / Neuworkshop / Munich, Germany)

Tischtennis spielen -Vincent Vandale, Philipp Zrenner (CoMa Gallery / Munich, Germany)

DIE RECHNUNG BITTE (Soloexhibition / Förderverein Aktuelle Kunst Münster)

2018 ABRISS (duo exhibition AuGlobal / Munich, Germany)

KUNSTLABOR (Munich, Germany)

Jahresausstellung (anual class exhibiton of Olaf Metzel / Academy of fine Arts Munich)

SALE (class exhibiton of Olaf Metzel / Academy of fine Arts Munich)

Aperitiv (groupexhibition / IV - Kunst &Forum /Munich, Germany)

Safety First Miles Schuler & Philipp Zrenner (Wave Gallery / Munich, Germany)

X-ZEHN (Groupexhibition / KÖSK / Munich, Germany)

2016-2017 Dialog - Miles Schuler & Philipp Zrenner (By Prinzip Galarie / Munich, Germany) 

KURZFILMFESTWANDERUNG / Filmscreening (Leipzig, Germany

TRANSIT - Pre-Diploma exhibition (Academy of visual Arts Leipzig, Germany)

Unsichere Geschichte (Class of Peggy Buth / Academy of visual Arts Leipzig)

A&B - Class of Ralf Bühler (GALARIE KUB / Leipzig, Germany)

VERNISSAGE YVES BORN & PHILIPP ZRENNER (Zuständige Behörde / Leipzig, Germany)

2013-15 Annual class Exhibition of Class Christin Lahr (Academy of visual Arts- Leipzig, Germany) 

Basislager (annual groupexhibition, International Munich Art Labority)

Provisorisch (groupexhibition / PROVISORIUM Munich, Germany)

DIE RECHNUNG BITTE (Förderverein Aktuelle Kunst Münster)

MAL MAL (T165 Munich, Germany)